
Founded by Steve Ballmer, former CEO of Microsoft and current owner of the Los Angeles Clippers, USAFacts is a not-for-profit, nonpartisan civic initiative making government data easy for all Americans to access and understand. This civic initiative provides accessible analysis on US spending and outcomes in order to ground public debates in facts. ______________________ See how Lebron James and other athletes are helping to get out the vote!!! https://www.morethanavote.org ____________________________________________
SEPTEMBER 22, 2020For more information, here are some helpful resources: March For Our Lives Everything You Need to Vote - Vote.org Association of Black Women Lawyers - NJ - ABWL-NJ REGISTER TO VOTE & VOTE!!!
“Do for one what you wish you could do for everyone.” Andy Stanley
With a passion for helping others, we find ways to not only give back to our local community. As a strong advocate for global health initiatives, having a platform where I can use my legal knowledge and nursing background to touch many lives abroad and at home brings me great joy. Here are some of the international organizations that share my passion for helping others and that I have had the great pleasure to partner with over the years:
- Lifestyle Learning Career Navideer® Readiness Application
- Caring.com
- PhotoGenesis Medical
- The G.O.A.L. Project
- The S.A.R.A.H. Network
- Center for Addiction Studies in Africa
- Kenya Medical Association
- The Raphaelites-Redhill Place
- The HOPE Mission
- Global Women Leadership Collaborative
As a long-time supporter of STEM (since obtaining my Bachelor of Science degree in Nursing), when I learn of STEM resources that can help our nation’s youth learn how to assemble and evaluate evidence to make informed decisions, I like to share them. As artificial intelligence takes us beyond our wildest dreams, it is imperative to prepare tomorrow’s youth with the knowledge, skills, and abilities, particularly problem-solving and critical thinking competences necessary to identify, make sense and process information. STEM does this and is why it is so important in today’s increasingly complex, constantly evolving, and technologically advanced world. “Lifestyle Learning assists students in identifying (and preparing for) career paths that will sustain an independent lifestyle.” Please visit https://lifestylelearning.com and explore how its esteemed co-founders and leadership takes the leap forward to help our nation’s youth navigate their career paths. Career Navideer® Career Readiness Application queries 1100 occupations and 50,000 job titles for a browsable experience that fits the lifestyle index determined from the lifestyle survey. STEM occupations are labeled and there are summary and detailed reports on salaries, growth projections, tasks, skills, knowledge areas, certifications, post-secondary and trade training venues, among other areas. Users can also browse videos, podcasts, and PowerPoint presentations related to each occupation. Career Navideer’s user focused approach provides social emotional learning support through Gurus that guide the user through the web-based platform. To learn more about the Career Navideer® Career Readiness Application, visit the website at https://careernavideer.com and please share this amazing site and reservoir of information with students, teachers, schools and everyone who desires our youth have access to career readiness tools that can help them to make wise decisions in planning their future careers and be the next leaders of innovation, especially in STEM should they choose a STEM career path. Faulk & Associates, LLC is proud to work with the American College of Rheumatology’s Lupus Initiative on its efforts to reduce health disparities in lupus treatment and disease course. We seek to help the American College of Rheumatology (“ACR”) offer medical professionals, educators and students easy-to-use educational resources to improve diagnosis and treatment of lupus among populations that are disproportionately affected by the disease. To learn more about The Lupus Initiative and the great work it is doing to close the gap, please visit the website at http://thelupusinitiative.org. We are available to meet with schools, medical professionals, educators and students who would like to receive more information about The Lupus Initiative’s resources and how you can help to bring these timely educational resources into your schools.
Click below on each individual gallery to view:

2017 Volunteer – HealthCorps Gala
This year I had the pleasure of serving as a volunteer for HealthCorps at its 11th Annual Garden Gala. This year's Gala welcomed and hosted 500 guests and raised approximately $1.1 million to support HealthCorps' program for the coming school year. The work HealthCorps does every day serving teens across the country and helping them to improve their physical and mental health is truly awe-inspiring and motivating. For more information on HealthCorps, co-founded by Lisa Oz and Dr. Mehmet Oz, please visit the website at https://healthcorps.org and consider supporting this worthy organization.

Global Medical-Legal Initiatives: South Africa, Liberia

Global Women Leadership Conference, Accra, Ghana
The Hope Mission, Inc.: Kenya Medical Mission

The G.O.A.L. Project

PhotoGenesis Medical
Apollo Health Street: India

More Information:
School in a Box
School in a Box (Video)
School in a Box Guidelines (PDF)
Faulk & Associates’ Proudly Supports Making a difference in the lives of our young girls of color. Please visit their websites and support their worthy endeavors.