Articles & Publications
- "The privacy 'evolution to revolution' in higher education", CEP Magazine, February 2022
- "A technology and data practice code of conduct: No longer optional but necessary," ethikos Volume 34, Number 4. April 01, 2020
- "Ebola, Kaci Hickox, Quarantine Triangle Ignites Robust Constitutional Debate," New Jersey State Bar Association Health Law Section Newsletter, Volume 23, No. 2 (February, 2015)
- “The Potential Quagmire for Pharmaceutical Sponsors Post-Section 111 of the MMSEA: Negotiating Clinical Research Agreement with Sites,” New Jersey State Bar Association Health Law Section Newsletter, Volume 20, No. 1, (August, 2012)
- “Taxation Victory for Hospitals: Court Establishes Workable Solutions,” New Jersey Law Journal, Volume CXCIC-No. 9-INDEX 18, (December 1, 2008)
- “Research or Marketing: How to Avoid Pitfalls When Conducting Post-marketing Trials,” American Health Lawyers Association Life Sciences, Practice Group Newsletter, Volume 2 , Issue 1, (co-author, March, 2008)
- “Health Care Law: Taking a Fresh Look at Compliance,” New Jersey Law Journal Special Health Law Edition, (July, 2006)
- “Medical Reporting after Cullen Murders, ” New Jersey Lawyer, (May 2004)
- “EMTALA: The Real Deal,” American Bar Association Health Law Section’s Newsletter -- The Health Lawyer, Volume 16, Issue 2, (December 2003)
- Member, (2002) International Privacy Consortium’s Working Group on Informed Consents and Clinical Trials (White Paper)
- Hospital and Physician Owned Ambulatory Surgery Centers Receive Safe Harbor Protection Under the Final Safe Harbor’s Rule, American Health Lawyers Association Physician Organizations Newsletter (Fall, 1999)
- “Update: Sentencing of the Three Defendants in the Kansas City Medicare Kickback Case” New Jersey State Bar Association’s Health and Hospital Law Section Newsletter, (1999)
- “New, Flexible Antitrust Guidelines,” American Health Lawyers Association Physician Organizations Newsletter, Volume 1, Issue 2, (Fall, 1998)
Events & Presentations- Speaker, New York Continuing Legal Education – HITECH for Lawyers – The Law Firm as Business Associate Under HIPAA (Ethics Presentation), Albany, New York (December 7, 2012).
- Speaker, Kenya Medical Conference--Overview of the United States of America’s Confidentiality Rules in Substance Abuse Treatment, Nairobi, Kenya (July, 2009).
- Speaker, Kenya Medical Conference --Nursing Assessment: Substance Users & HIV Prevention Strategies Targeted Specifically to Injecting Drug Users, Nairobi, Kenya (July, 2009)
- Speaker, Global Women Leadership Collaborative Summit, Accra Ghana, (October, 2008)
- Moderator, Clinical Trial Agreements: Panel Discussion and Q&A, American Conference Institute, New York, NY, (February 26, 2008)
- Post-Conference Master Class: Drafting Comprehensive Clinical Trial Agreements – Boilerplate and Beyond, American Conference Institute, New York, NY, (February 27, 2008)
- Effective Compliance and Corporate Governance, American Health Lawyers Association Fundamentals of Health Law Program, (December, 2007)
- Maximizing Sponsor-CRO Partnerships, American Conference Institute, New York, NY, (June 2007)
- Program Coordinator and Moderator, “Crisis Management: How to Counsel Corporate & Healthcare Clients in Crisis, New Jersey State Bar Association Annual Meeting, Atlantic City, NJ, (May, 2005)
- Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (“HIPAA”) Primer, National Bar Association Annual Meeting, New Orleans, LA, (July 2003)
- Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (“HIPAA”) Update, Institute for Continuing Legal Education Health and Hospital Law Annual Symposium, Woodbridge, NJ, (October 17, 2003)
- Human Research Protections: Defining and Negotiating “Use of Findings” by the Sponsor, Investigator and Institution, American Conference Institute, Boston, MA., (October 2002)
- New Jersey ‘s Patient Advocacy Group Patients’ Rights Conditions of Participation Presentation, Somerset, NJ, (June 8, 2000)
- Management and Legal Responsibilities, Somerset Medical Center’s New Managers’ Orientation (October 2000)
- End of Life Decision-Making, AARP Local Chapters, Various Other Groups, (2000-2006)
- Co-Moderator, Opportunities for Attorneys in the Health Care Industry as Practitioner or Executives, Garden State Bar Association’s Professional Development Conference: Expanding and Rethinking the Practice, (May 6, 2000)
- Compliance Initiatives (The Role of Compliance and the Importance of Establishing Compliance Programs as Part of Recent Developments and Cutting Edge Issues Facing the Rapidly Changing Health Care Industry), Institute for Continuing Legal Education Health and Hospital Law Annual Symposium, New Brunswick, NJ, (May 8, 1999)
- Surrogate Decision-Making, (New Jersey health care facilities) (1998, 1999)
